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Hopp & Associates, pc
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
353 Main Street
Longmont, Colorado
303 • 776 • 4045
Simple Sophisticated
Estate Planning
The Art Of A Specialty Practice
We Do Not Believe In One Size Fits All Planning
Our unique approach to Estate Planning matters, including Business Planning, Real Estate, and Advanced Wealth Planning, gives clients the assurance they need and the ability to maximize the dignity of control over what they value. We try to create a safe place for clients to discuss their goals and desires. We encourage clients to dream with us and share with us what they would do for themselves, their spouse, children, other loved ones, their church, community, or other charities, if they could do anything with no limitations.
Initial Consultations are free of charge in most cases. Consultations may be arranged by contacting us by phone or email.
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